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Female Genital System (Internal & External) – Anatomy

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Introduction: 0:00
Ovaries: 0:50
Uterine Tube: 09:10
Uterus: 13:01
Vagina: 21:48
External Genital Organs: 25:56
Vestibule: 26:28
Labia Minora/Inner Lips: 27:25
Clitoris: 27:57
Bulb of Vestibule: 28:36
Labia Majora/Outer Lips: 29:06
Mons Pubis: 29:49
Summary: 30:06

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Internal Genital Organs
– Inner Structures
β—‹ Tunica Albuginea (tunica albuginea ovarii)
β—‹ Ovarian Cortex (cortex ovarii)
β—‹ Ovarian medulla (medulla ovarii)
β—‹ Follicules
– External Structures
β—‹ Mesovarian border (margo mesovaricus)
β—‹ Free Border (margo liber)
β—‹ Tubal Extremity (extremitas tubaria)
β—‹ Uterine extremity (extremitas uterina)
β—‹ Medial Surface (facies medialis)
β—‹ Lateral Surface (facies lateralis)
– Fixation of the Ovary
β—‹ Ligament of Ovary (ligamentum ovarii proprium)
β—‹ Suspensory ligament of ovary (ligamentum suspensorium ovarii)
β—‹ Mesovarium

Growth and Maturation of Follicules:
– Primordial Follicule
β—‹ Contain primary oocyte
β—‹ Single layer of follicular cells
– Primary Follicules (after puberty, FSH)
β—‹ Granulosa Cells
– Secondary Follicle
β—‹ Primary Oocyte
β—‹ Zona Pellicida
β—‹ Granulosa Cells
β—‹ Follicular Fluid
β—‹ Produce Estrogen
β—‹ Antrum
β—‹ Theca Folliculi
– Graafian Follicle / Tertiary Follicle
– Secondary oocyte. Ovulation
– Corpus Luteum
– Corpus Albicans

Uterine Tube (tuba uterina)
– Parts of uterine tube:
β—‹ Infundibulum (infundibulum tubae uterinae)
Β§ Abdominal Ostium (ostium abdominale)
Β§ Fimbriae (fimbriae tubae uterina)
Β§ Ovarian Fimbria (fimbria ovarica)
β—‹ Ampulla (ampulla tubae uterinae)
β—‹ Isthmus (isthmus tubae uterinae)
β—‹ Uterine Part (pars uterina)
Β§ Uterine ostium (ostium uterinum)
– Walls of Uterine tube:
β—‹ Tunica Mucosa
β—‹ Tunica Muscularis
β—‹ Tunica Serosa
β—‹ Mesosalpinx

– Parts:
β—‹ Positioned in anteflexion
β—‹ Fundus of uterus (fundus uteri)
β—‹ Body of Uterus (corpus uteri)
β—‹ Intestinal (posterior) surface (facies intestinalis)
β—‹ Vesical (anterior) surface
β—‹ Border of uterus (margo uteri)
β—‹ Cervix of uterus
Supravaginal part (portio supravaginalis cervicis)
Vaginal Part
β—‹ Uterine horn
β—‹ Uterine cavity
β—‹ The uterine opening of the oviduct (ostium uterinum tubae uternae)
β—‹ Cervical Canal (canalis cervicis
β—‹ External os of uterus (ostium uteri)
Β§ Anterior lip of cervix (labium anterius)
Β§ Posterior lip of cervix (labium posterius)
Β§ Nullipara: small and round opening
Β§ Primipara/multipara: narrow fissure
– Internal Structures (histology):
β—‹ Endometrium
Β§ Functional Layer (stratum functionalis)
β–‘ Simple columnar epithelium
β–‘ Endometrium Stroma
β–‘ Uterine Glands
Β§ Basal Layer (stratum basalis)
β—‹ Myometrium
Β§ Longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle
Β§ Middle layer (stratum vasculare)
Β§ Arcuate Arteries
Β§ Radial Arteries
Β§ Straight arteries and Spiral arteries
β—‹ Perimetrium
– Fixation of the Uterus
β—‹ Peritoneal Folds
Β§ Broad Ligament of Uterus (ligamentum latum uteri) formed by peritoneum
– Mesovarium
– Mesosalpinx
– Mesometrium
β—‹ Parametrial Ligments
Β§ Cardinal ligament of uterus (ligamentum cardinale uteri)
Β§ Vesico-uterine ligament (ligamentum vesicouterinum)
Β§ Pubocervical ligament (ligamentum pubocervicale)
Β§ Uterosacral ligaments (ligamenta sacrouterina)
Β§ Recto-uterine ligament (ligamentum rectouterinum)
Β§ Round ligament of uterus (ligamentum teres uteri)
β—‹ Supporting apparatus of uterus
Β§ Perineal Muscles
Β§ Levator Ani Muscle (musculus levator anii)

Vagina (vagina)
– Vagina Orifice (ostium vaginae)
– Vestibule (vestibulum vaginae)
– Vaginal Canal (canalis vaginalis)
– Anterior wall (paries anterior)
– Posterior wall (paries posterior)
– Vaginal Fornix (fornix vaginae)
β—‹ Anterior part (pars anterior)
β—‹ Posterior aprt (pars posterior)
β—‹ Lateral parts
– Hymen
β—‹ Clinical significance: imperforated hymen may require medical intervention
– Urethrovaginal septum (Septum Urethrovaginale)
– Rectovaginal septum (septum rectovaginale)
– Recto-uterine pouch / Pouch of douglas (excavatio rectouterina douglasi)

Vaginal Wall (histology):
– Mucosa
β—‹ Forms transverse folds
β—‹ Estrogen promotes storage of glycogen
– Muscularis

External Genital Organs:
– Vestibule
β—‹ Lesser vestibular glands (glandulae vestibulares minores)
β—‹ Greater vestibular glands / Bartolin’s glands (glandula vestibularis major bartholini). May form barthlin’s cyst
– Labia Minora (labia minora pudendi)
– Clitoris
β—‹ Glans of clitoris (glans clitoridis)
β—‹ Body of clitoris (corpus clitoridis)
β—‹ Crura of clitoris (crura clitoridis)
β—‹ Prepuce of clitoris (preputium of clitoridis)
– Bulb of vestibule (bulbus vestibuli)
– Labia Majora / outer lips (labio majora pudendi)
– Mons Pubis

Complete Anatomy by 3d4medical
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Duggars Discuss Courting | Jill & Jessa: Counting On

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Anna and the Duggar sisters discuss courting in this webisode.


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Reproductive System, Part 1 – Female Reproductive System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #40

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Human reproduction is complicated and important, and it’s going to take a four-part series for us to cover it. Today, we’re kicking that off with the female reproductive system, starting with how sex hormones affect oogenesis and ovulation, continuing through how the ovarian and menstrual cycles mature and release oocytes, and creating a comfy uterine environment for a fertilized egg.

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Introduction: Human Reproduction 00:00
External Female Reproductive Organs 1:49
Ovaries Structure & Function 2:28
Ovarian Follicles and Oogenesis 3:15
The Ovarian Cycle 4:05
Fallopian Tubes 6:53
The Uterus 7:10
The Menstrual Cycle 7:45
Review 9:11


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Genital Warts – Causes, Risk Factors, Signs & Symptoms, And Treatment

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Genital warts are a dermatologic manifestation of a sexually transmitted infection, caused by the epidermotropic human papilloma virus.
Risk factors for getting genital warts include, having multiple sex partners, smoking, use of oral contraceptive pills, and sexual intercourse at a very young age.
Human papilloma virus is a double stranded DNA virus, which has more than 100 different types.
Out of these, about 35 types have the affinity to genital sites.
There are two categories of genital HPV exist: the low-risk benign type, and the high-risk neoplastic type.
Low risk types 6 and 11 are responsible for most genital warts, accounting for more than 90% of cases.
Warts caused by these strains are least likely to be transformed into malignancy.
Frequently affected sites include penis, vulva and the vagina, uterine cervix, perineum, and peri anal region.
Occasionally, oropharynx; larynx; and trachea can be affected due to oral sex. The disease is primarily transmitted via sexual intercourse. However, less frequently, it can be transmitted by direct contact, and indirect contact through fomites.
They appear as multiple, painless bumps, often associated with pruritis and discharge. In most cases, more than one area is involved. In addition, there may be features of other co existent sexually transmitted infections.
Rarely, urethral bleeding may occur due to obstruction of the urethral meatus. Peri anal lesions may be seen in individuals who have anal sex. Complications of genital warts include local disfigurement, transformation into genitourinary malignancies, transmission to the child during delivery. And recurrence.
If left untreated, three things can happen.
They may resolve spontaneously, or progress into larger lesions with an increase in their number, or remain unchanged.
Major treatment options include the following.
Cryotherapy, where liquid nitrogen is sprayed to ablate the lesions, electrodessication and curettage, surgical excision of the lesions, which has the highest success rate and lowest recurrence rate, carbon dioxide laser treatment, which requires local, regional, or general anesthesia, and infrared coagulation, which causes tissue coagulation and necrosis.
Medical therapy includes acid applications. Interferon injections. And medications for house use, including imiquimod cream, podofilox gel or solution, and anti-proliferative agents such as 5 fluorouracil.

#genitalwarts #medtoday
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Genital herpes: Treatment & Management | Stanford Center for Health Education

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Do you have genital herpes? Many people ask, β€œHow can I cure herpes?” Once you have herpes, you have it for life, but there are ways to treat and manage this common infection. This video describes how to treat genital herpes.

0:00 Overview
0:16 What is genital herpes?
0:56 What are outbreaks?
1:39 How to treat herpes?
3:10 What about creams and lotions for herpes?
3:38 What to do during an outbreak?
4:35 Recap

More resources:

Dr. Marisa Holubar, MD, MS is a Clinical Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases at Stanford Medicine.

The information in this video was accurate as of the upload date, 6/9/2022. For information purposes only. Consult your local medical authority or your healthcare practitioner for advice.

This video is a production of the Stanford Center for Health Education team, in collaboration with Stanford Medicine and the Stanford Center for Professional Development.

At the Stanford Center for Health Education, we believe that expanding access to engaging education has the power to change behaviors, improve health, and save lives.

Stanford Center for Health Education

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# Anatomy of Female Genitalia ( External & Internal)| Bangla Demonstration of Female Genitalia|Femal

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# Prof Viscera

VC- Nahar Jelly😍

Furniture for sale, 95 Nos 3 Seater Desk & Bench

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Herpes (oral & genital) – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

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What is herpes? Herpes is a virus causing sores most commonly around the mouth (oral herpes) and genitals (genital herpes). Find more videos at

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Medical disclaimer: Knowledge Diffusion Inc (DBA Osmosis) does not provide medical advice. Osmosis and the content available on Osmosis’s properties (, YouTube, and other channels) do not provide a diagnosis or other recommendation for treatment and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosis and treatment of any person or animal. The determination of the need for medical services and the types of healthcare to be provided to a patient are decisions that should be made only by a physician or other licensed health care provider. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition.

Understanding Genital Herpes

Dr. H. Hunter Handsfield explains the basics about genital herpes, including the difference between genital HSV-1 and HSV-2 infection, testing options and the importance of knowing virus type, and the three-prong strategy for prevention.

Learn mored about herpes and download the companion fact sheet at

Opie & Anthony: Courting Alex Sitcom (Video)

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(January 31, 2006)

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Accidentally on Purpose Episode 1 ''Pilot'' TV Show

Billie, a newspaper film critic, just went through an ugly breakup with her boss, who still wishes to mend their relationship. After a fling with a much younger guy, Billie ends up pregnant and decides that she really wants to keep the baby — and the guy she hooked up with.

Courting Mom and Dad | Surprise Dinner | Own it Now on DVD & Digital

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Courting Mom and Dad | Surprise Dinner | Own it Now on DVD & Digital

“Courting Mom and Dad” is a heartwarming family comedy about three kids who find themselves at their wit’s end when they discover that their parents are divorcing. The resourceful kids come together to hatch a plot β€” a last-ditch effort to save their family. With the help of a rather eccentric personal injury attorney, the children creatively stall the proceedings just long enough to give their parents time to rediscover the spark that once ignited their love

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Synopsis: Three children seek the help of an eccentric personal injury attorney in order to stop their parents’ imminent divorce.
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